
About Me |

  • A sculptress born in Poznań (Poland),
  • Graduate of Prof. Olgierd Truszyński and Prof. Magdalena Abakanowicz,
  • Author of numerous exhibitions, outdoor arrangements and individual realizations in 11 countries,
  • Co-author of several dozen group exhibitions,
  • Professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

My world consists of questions.
Out of unsatisfied curiosity,
of intuition,
and strong emotions.
I touch the ground...
...because it gives balance to my feet.
I touch the ground...
...because she feeds my self and drives my worlds.
This touch organizes and allows to distinguish and differentiate...
Brings to the right dimension,
separates the questions
larger from smaller,

but all of them are important.


The art of Hanna Maria Ograbisz-Krawiec, regardless of the form it takes: be it composition in the convention of structural abstraction or sculptural figurative system - usually touches, in its content and emotional message, the space of the broadly understood dimension of the sacred.
Dr Rafał Boettner-Łubowski
Theoretician and art critic
The sculptural work of Hanna Maria Ograbisz-Krawiec refers to the rich decks of collective memory and to ancient archetypes, which, recalled from various times, create new senses and reflections on the spiritual side of human and world existence.
Dr Rafał Boettner-Łubowski
Theoretician and art critic
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